We track where capital meets soil health.

Regenerating pastureland in Montana’s Centennial Valley. All rights reserved, Soil Upside.

Hi there. We’re Soil Upside.

We provide data-driven insights on how capital is flowing into soil health for decision-makers across the agricultural value chain.

Whether you’re a farmer, rancher, investor, executive, funder, policymaker, or entrepreneur, we provide the context & insights you need to make informed decisions.

We’re independent — no hidden agendas.

The Twelve Financial Levers of Soil Health

We have cataloged twelve critical financial levers across five categories:

  • Commodity Markets

  • Real Assets

  • On-farm Management

  • Operating Capital

  • Incentives

It’s imperative for stakeholders across agriculture to understand these economic drivers and stay informed as they rapidly develop.


  • Insetting Best Practices

  • The State of Commodity Premiums

  • Real Estate and Real Assets

In-Depth Analysis Coming in 2025

  • Carbon, Water & Biodiversity Credits

  • Public & Philanthropic Incentives

  • Lending and Risk Products


Turning Fragmented Data into Actionable Intelligence

More than $35 billion is poised to flow into soil health initiatives in the U.S. over the next 3-5 years—more than double the amount over the past five years.

In addition, promising market forces are emerging, such as low-carbon tax credits and rapidly accelerating corporate decarbonization efforts.

These are transformative growth and impact opportunities in agriculture.

However, there's a critical data gap on where and how this capital will be deployed and its potential impacts on commodity prices and supply chains.

This lack of transparency hinders capital allocators of all types — producers, companies and financial institutions —from making informed investment decisions and maximizing their impact.

Soil Upside bridges this gap by transforming vast amounts of unstructured data into actionable insights.


Advisory Services

  • Our Bioregional Financial Analysis makes sense of the emerging capital resources for soil health that are applicable to you.

    Our analysis identifies local and regional financial resources that truly matter for producers, moving beyond national-level conversations to deliver actionable insights that align with local realities.

    We identify potential conflicts between programs, estimate financial value, collect other producers' experience with programs, and recommend the best opportunities for you.

    We act as your fiduciaries, offering unbiased recommendations without any financial benefit from our recommendations.

  • We're financial partners for sustainability executives working on supply chain decarbonization.

    Our Supply Chain Financial Analysis services can broadly support you at the intersection of capital and your programs:

    • Find funding sources for grower partners

    • Model or assess the financial impacts of your programs on producers

    • Identify capital and funding partnerships

    • Analyze peer programs for best practices

    • Help you make the case for your sustainability programs to your finance team

  • Whether you're a lender, a real asset investor, or an impact investor, our data-informed view across the financial levers of soil health provides us a very unique perspective to surface opportunities and help you orient around new and emerging capital flows.

    Our goal is to help you to both reduce your portfolio risk, identify new potential upside and maximize impact to help you meet your investment targets.

    Our Portfolio Opportunity Analysis services can support you with a broad range of custom advisory engagements, including:

    • Analysis applied to your portfolio

    • Industry benchmarking

    • Investment due diligence

    • Executive briefings about soil health capital flows

Adam Chappell sharing the soil health practices he's implementing.

Adam Chappell sharing the soil health practices he's implementing on his farm in Cotton Plant, Arkansas. All rights reserved, Soil Upside.